A day in a life of a Watatunga volunteer

by | Mar 6, 2023 | Watatunga Blog

My name is Tony King, I’m a retired ambulance driver and I’m about to start my third season at Watatunga Wildlife Reserve as a volunteer. 

I was attracted to the role because of the outdoor aspect and seeing animals in a more natural environment than a zoo. This I enjoy as we never know what we will see on each trip.  Before a tour can begin, guests are given a Health and Safety briefing by the tour guide to ensure their safety whilst out on the Reserve. Each guided tour consists of a small convoy of electric buggies equipped with radios to enable the guests to hear the running commentary by the tour guide, telling guests the history of the Reserve and the stories of the animals they are observing.

Buggies in convoy on tour at Watatunga

My role at the reserve is to ensure all the buggies are in a clean, safe condition and are fitted  with a fully charged radio. I follow the tour and if a problem arises with a buggy or radio I hope to sort it so the guests can continue enjoying their tour.  What I enjoy about this role of volunteer is knowing the animals are cared for by a team of experts who are dedicated to the welfare of each animal.I enjoy seeing the animals in a natural environment as they are free to roam the 178 acres of land which is comprised of grassland, wooded areas and marshland.


Another enjoyable aspect is the fact I’m a keen amateur photographer and take the opportunity to take my camera to capture shots of the various animals and birds as we go round on the tours.  Meeting members of the public is another part of my role as they are enthusiastic and excited when they start the tour and full of questions on their return to the reception.

Chinese water deer

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