Volunteering Matters at Watatunga

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Watatunga Blog

As you may already know, here at Watatunga we work with some incredible volunteers who keen to help keep the show on the road! This year we have been working alongside a charity called Volunteering Matters which is the UK’s leading volunteering charity engaging more than 20,000 volunteers each year through over 100 programmes. They bring people together to overcome some of society’s most complex issues through the power of volunteering, by partnering with communities to overcome adversity, tackling social isolation and loneliness, improving health, developing skills and opportunity, and making sure young people can lead change. 

Volunteering Matters Kieran
Volunteering Matters William

We have been lucky enough to welcome two wonderful individuals through the Match & Mentor project, which supports adults with additional support needs to engage within their local community. William and Kieran joined the team back in April with the help of their mentors Tom and Carlotta. They visit weekly and assist with the welcoming of guests, accompanying buggy tours, keeping our reception building clean and tidy, and have even dabbled in a little light gardening over at our accommodation sites!

Volunteering Matters William
Volunteering Matters Kieran

The work we provide for the project, like many other businesses, gives individuals the opportunity to have some great experiences and develops their skills in a whole new direction. Volunteering Matters supports individuals who need a bit of extra support to engage locally as often they are side-lined or passed over when trying to get involved with their community.

We are so thankful for the efforts of William and Kieran; their cheery disposition and can-do attitudes are exactly what the team at Watatunga thrives from. We hope that their hard work takes them exactly where they would like to be!

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