School’s Out!

by | Jul 12, 2022 | Watatunga Blog

‘We believe the children are the future’ as the old song goes, and that is why it is always such a delight to welcome schoolchildren here to Watatunga. We have recently been visited by classes from Watlington Primary School, Langham Primary School and Nelson’s Academy in King’s Lynn.

We gave the children iSpy cards and notebooks and they toured the Reserve in our fantastic trailers, seeing as much as they could, and we were thrilled when they gave us some stunning pictures of what they saw, which will be proudly displayed in the office.

Oryx Drawing

The children also enjoyed the picnic area as they talked about the experience they had on their ‘safari’. It was so heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and joy on their faces as they patiently listened and learned all about the animals that live here and the reasons why their conservation is so important.

The visit from Nelson’s Academy was a joint venture with Inside Out, a fantastic organisation who provide bushcraft and adventure camps and days out, and the children had half a day with each of us, giving them a really exciting day in nature.


If you would like to organise a group booking here at Watatunga Wildlife Reserve, then please visit our website and contact us.



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