A Gift From Us

A Gift From Us

A Gift From Us It has already been an amazing year here at Watatunga; with new additions to the reserve, becoming the Best New Visitor Attraction in the East of England, and welcoming so many wonderful guests both for our Guided Tours and in our two wonderful Holiday...
A Visit From His Majesty

A Visit From His Majesty

A Visit From His Majesty Last week Jono discovered something wonderful here at Watatunga – a male Purple Emperor butterfly, the second largest and one of the rarest butterflies in the UK. Not to be outdone, Julian spotted another a day later! The photos the team...
Famous Dave

Famous Dave

Famous Dave Those of you who have been on a Guided Tour will almost certainly have met Dave, our most charismatic Great Bustard. We recently welcomed a film crew from ITV News who were featuring the reserve and the conservation work we do here, however Dave couldn’t...
Watatunga and the WI

Watatunga and the WI

Watatunga and the WI As part of our Jubilee celebrations, we are offering a 10% discount on all tours booked this season for members of the Women’s Institute. Her Majesty is a regular visitor to the local branch of the W.I. in West Newton and to mark this we are...